NEWS 2016

Alfta, SKK Int Ch Show 10/7

judge; Henrik Johansson, Sverige
CH Apricot Just a Lady, BB I, BOB-veteran, BOB and her daughter
Apricot Riverdance, open class 2, excellent, CC-quality, BB III, reserv-CC


NEWS 2015

Köping, SKK Int Ch Show 19/7

The newest Apricot Champion!

judge; Renee Sporre-Willes, Sverige
Apricot Moonlight Shadow, open class I, excellent, CC, BB 1, CACIB, CHAMPION, BOB


NEWS 2013

Gimo Herrgård, SKK Int Ch Show 14/9

judge; Börje Johansson, Sverige
Apricot Mister Moon, jun class IV, excellent
Apricot Moonlight Shadow, jun class I, excellent, CC-quality, BB III, reserv-CC
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class I, excellent, BB I, CACIB, BOS

Eskilstuna, SKK Int Ch Show 17/8

judge; Rune Fagerström, Finland
Apricot Moonlight Shadow, jun class I, excellent, CC-quality, BB III, reserv-CC
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class II, excellent, BB IV


Österbybruk, SKK Int Ch Show 26/5

judge; Dirk Spruyt
Apricot Just a Lady, open class I, excellent, CC, R-CACIB, BB2, SE UCH
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class II, BB4


Kista, SKK Int Ch Show 31/3

judge; Magnus Hagstedt
Apricot Just a Lady, open class I, excellent, CC, CACIB, BB1, BOS


NEWS 2012

Gimo, SKK Int Ch Show 9/9

judges; Pedro Sanch Delerue
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class I, BB-1, BOS
Apricot Just a Lady, open class II, excellent, CC-guality, BB-3, reserv-CC
Ch. Apricot Glen- Miller, veteran class I, excellent, cc-guality, BOB- veteran


Alfta, SKK Nat Ch Show 7/7

judges; Bengt-Åke Bogren
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class I, BB-2
Ch. Apricot Glen- Miller, veteran class I, exelent, cc-guality, BOB- veteran, BD-3


Avesta, SKK Int Ch Show 17/6

judges; Arne Foss, Norge
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class I, BB-1, BOS
Apricot Just a Lady, open class II, exelen, CC-guality
Ch. Apricot Glen- Miller, veteran class I, exelent, cc-guality, BOB- veteran


Swedish Cavalier Club's ch show in Avesta 16/6

judges; Britta Roos-Börjeson
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class I, BB-1, BOB

Ch. Apricot Glen- Miller, veteran class I, BIS- veteran, with Christina Orava


Swedish Cavalier Club's 40- years jubileum ch show in Eskilstuna 13/5

Veronica Hull, kennel Telvara, England, Peter Towse, kennel Miletry, England
Ch. Panda's Dark Moon, ch class 1, BB-2
Ch. Apricot Andalusia BIS-veteran

Apricot Jamie-Oliver open class III, exelent, CC-guality
Ch. Apricot Glen-Miller, veteran class II, exelent, cc-guality,


Västerås, SKK National Ch Show 29/4

judges; Lisbeth Campbell

Panda's Dark Moon (Mooni) open class I, BB-1, cc, become her Champion, BOB
Ch. Apricot Glen- Miller, veteran class I, exelent, cc-guality, BD-1, BOS


NEWS 2011

Västerås, SKK National Ch Show 16/4

judges; Icor Selimovic, Kroatien

Panda's Dark Moon (Mooni) best juniorbitch, BB-2 Excelent, Recerve-CAC
Apricot Just a Lady, "Tova", open class I, BB-4, excelent


Swedish Cavalier Club's ch show in Sollentuna, Stockholm 12/2

judges; Mrs Sylvia Lymer, England

photo: Thomas Ekdal

Panda's Dark Moon (Mooni) best juniorbitch, CC and ending her day as BOB and BIS
Apricot Just a Lady, "Tova", open class I, BB-3, excelent


NEWS 2010

Stockholm Hund 2010, SKK International Ch Show 18/12

judge: Svanta Frisk, Sweden,
Apricot Just a Lady, "Tova", open class I, BB-3, CC
Panda's Dark Moon "Mooni", best juniorbitch, BB-4, excelent


14/11 Lagotto Romagnolo "Nella" Lapinlumon Novella arrived to us from Danmark.


The newest Apricot Champion!

Österbybruk, SKK International Ch Show 30/5

Judge: Jessie Borregaard Madsen, Denmark
Apricot Indiana-Rose , "Isa" , got her last ticket


Västerås, SKK National Ch Show 24/4

Apricot Just a Lady, "Tova", intermediate class 1, BB-3, exelent
Apricot Indiana-Rose "Isa" open class 1, BB1, CC, BOB


NEWS 2009

Stockholm Hund 2009, SKK International Ch Show 12/12

judge: Andreas Schemel, Nederland,
Apricot Just a Lady, "Tova" , intermediate class 1, BB-4, excelent


Köping, SKK National Ch Show 19/7

judge: Barrie Jones, England
Apricot Killwillie, "Willie" , BIR-valp


Norköping, SKK National Ch Show 7/6

judge: Per Svarstad, Sweden
Apricot Indiana-Rose, "Isa" , BB-2, CC


Swedish Cavalier Club's ch show

in Enköping, Härjarö 23/05,
judges; Puppies and dogs - Hans Almgren, Sweden
Bitches - Mrs Ellie Mordecai, England, Millhill Cavaliers

Apricot Killwillie - best puppydog 6-9 months, BPD2
Apricot Jamie-Oliver - best juniordog excelent
Apricot Anastasia (Kajsa) BOS-veteran, BB-4
three "Mattisdaughters" come among the five
best juniorbitches and all of them gett excelent
Best Progeny Group - Ch Apricot Glen-Miller "Mattis"

A. Jamie-Oliver winning juniordogs, owner Anna Malmquist

"Mattis" winning the progeny group


"Roffe" Apricot Kandyman,
owned by kennel Hjertevenn, Grethe and Christine Follnes in Norway
was BOB-puppy in his first show in Stavanger 1/5.

Kritikkene: Ex type and size. Nice character,
ex head with typ expretion. Ex dark eyes.
Good top line, ex angulation in front and back.
Free movment and wery promising.


15/4 "Tova" Apricot Just a Lady has returned back home to us.


Stockholm, SKK International Ch Show 10/4

judge: Sanchez Javier, Spain
Apricot Glen-Miller CACIB, BD-1, BOS
Apricot Indiana-Rose BB-3
Apricot Anastasia BOB-veteran, BB-5


Swedish Cavalier Club's ch show

in Stockholm 14/02, judges:Mrs. Marilyn Clayton and Mr. Bryan Clayton, England

Lovely grand old lady Apricot Anastasia (owner Lena Gillstedt) ,showed by myself, att the age of 9 and ½ years,
one year after her littersister, was BIS veteran, and ended as BB-3.

Ch. Apricot Glen-Miller was second in champion-class and BD-4 as well as he won The Progeny Group-puppies.

NEWS 2008


Mattis Fin CH!

He was BOB in Finland in Porvoo, FKK National Ch Show 13/9,
judge Kirsti Määttänen, Finland.

The newest Apricot Champion!

Apricot Glen-Miller "Mattis" got his last ticket in Avesta,
SKK International Ch Show 15/6, judge Ann-Christin Sultan, Sweden.

She did it!

A new Apricot Champion!! Lenas lovely grand old lady
SUCH Apricot Andalusia ,showed by myself,
att the age of 8 and ½ years get her last ticket for her champion tittel
as well as being BOS ans BIS veteran at the Swedish Cavalier Club's ch show
in Stockholm 16/02 -08, judge: Henrik Johansson, Sweden.

Congratulations Mimmi och Lena!!

In the same show "Isa" A. Indiana-Rose was best junior bitch.

"Mattis" Apricot Glen-Miller BD-2, CC, R-CACIB,
"Mimmi", Lenas Apricot Andalusia BOB-veteran, BB-2,
at SKK International Ch show in Göteborg 3/1 2008,
judge Keneth Ed, Sweden

NEWS 2007


"Isa" Apricot Indiana-Rose BB, BOS-puppy
in Sundsvall, Cavalier Club Ch Show 7/10-07
judge; Mr Jan Törnblom,

"Mimmi" Apricot Andalusia more beautiful than ever, in the age of 8 years,
BIS-veteran and CC as well as BIS in the same Club Ch Show in Sundsvall.
Congratulations to "Mimmi" and her owner Lena Almqvist Gillstedt!

"Mattis" Apricot Glen-Miller BD-3 and his mother, Isas grandmother
"Molly" Apricot Yasmine-Flower, at the ages of 10 years, BB-5


BD-2, CC as well as again the best swedish-born dog at
Cavalier Club Ch Show in Stockholm 17/1 -07,
judge; Mr Per Svarstad, Sweden


"Mattis" Apricot Glen-Miller
BD-4 as well as the best swedish-born dog at
"Hund-2006", Stockholm, 10/12 -06
SKK International Ch Show - "Swedish Winner Show 2006"
judge; Mme Sylvie Desserne, France


A new Apricot-champion!
"Siri" Apricot Cassiopeia, become Swedish champion
at Växjö, Cavalier Club Ch Show 5/11 -06 judge; Jahn Stääv, Sweden
Congratulations again Siri and Henrik !


"Siri" Apricot Cassiopeia did it again,
BOS, CC, in Ransäter, SKK Ch show 29/7 -06.
Congratulations to Siri and her owner Henrik Johansson!


"Molly" Ch. Apricot Yasmine-Flower BIS-veteran, BB5
in Sundsvall, Cavalier Club Ch Show 9/10-05 judge; Mr Ken Town, Scotland (Barsac prefix)


"Siri" Apricot Cassiopeia
(Ch. Apricot Watson x Ch. Apricot Yasmine-Flower),
owned and loved by Henrik Johannson,
BOS, CC, CACIB in Ransäter, SKK International Ch show 31/7 -05


"Mattis" Apricot Glen-Miller
BIS-puppy at the Club Show in Askersund 7/8 -04


A new Apricot-champion !
Apricot Benjamin Bright owned by Helena Nilson, kennel Williwaw
become Swedish champion on 12/6 -04 and further Finish champion on 3/10 -04


"Sune" Ch. Apricot Watson BIS-veteran
at the Swedish Cavalier Club's main show in Stockholm 23/5 -04


Anja Szyszkiewicz
Yttersävne 330
S-744 91 Heby
tel: +46 (0)76 1150913